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  Called to serve ? We have a variety of vocationships available throughout the year. Typically they are either 3 weeks, 6 weeks or 3 months. While we try to create meaningful schedules individualized to each person, vocationships generally involve helping at the Catholic Worker, hosting community fellowship on Sunday, working with our neighbors experiencing homelessness and working with the organic Grow Ohio Valley Urban farm, greenhouse, mobile market or in their office or another area non-profit of interest.

Vocationships provide housing and food but they are not paid. They are a time to learn how to live in an intentional community (an active one!), hear God in both the land and the people, and a place to find sacred space in both the action of service and prayer. We have witnessed life long relationships develop through service to others. Usually our Vocationers discover that there are purposeful life changing moments, as well as moments that stretch a soul beyond normal comfort levels and into a deeper understanding of self.

If you have questions or are interested in an Vocationship,contact us. We will do our best to help answer questions and if you are interested in interning, we will send you an application.


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What can the HoH use? 

(Toilet Paper, cough! ) 

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” - Matthew 22:36-40

We are just a FAMILY living out God's Love. We are not a non-profit or an agency, but folks living out our faith in service to those "sisters and brothers" God has put into our life. It is not the value of your house that matters to us, but how much you are valued by God. So it does not matter if someone lives in a mansion, a shelter, tent or under a bridge, they are our neighbors we are called to love.

As we have befriended and share God's Love with many of our neighbors experiencing homelessness or other income based struggles, we are often asked by kind folks how they can help.These are some consistent needs, but if you have an idea, an item, or a gift you would like to share please contact us! Any gift shared with us we accept as a personal act of love on your behalf, and we thank God for your kindness! 

Hygiene Items: Besides for having a constant need for toilet paper, for several of our friends we are the only place they have to shower, shave, or change their clothes. Items such as razors, soaps (pump soaps/body wash are best ), feminine hygiene products, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes,toothpaste,towels, wash cloths, hair brushes, nail clippers and q-tips are always appreciated.

Clothes: Men's and women's underwear, bras (not men's...demand is low :)) and socks are always needed. Work-boots, black slip resistant shoes (like one would wear working in a restaurant) and jeans are in high demand as well -These help our friends get jobs!

Laundry: We let our friends do laundry here and we go through a lot of laundry detergent and dyer sheets, so those items are always helpful too!

Coffee/ Tea/ Hot Chocolate: What is fellowship without a warm heart and a warm drink! 

Bikes/Bus Pass: It

It didn't take long for us to find that transportation issues were a cause of some of our neighbors not getting employment or to important appointments etc. After we were asked a couple times to lend a bike and we saw one of our friends get a job and another experience a sense of being trusted, we thought this was the start of a great idea. The HoH Bike Share was born! We are in need of bikes, bike parts, helmets, bike locks and people to run monthly fix up days for bike maintenance, as well as teaching those who ride the bikes how to do this themselves. Not only will this provide mobility, but we see it as a way to build responsibility, references of it, opportunity to help manage, and ultimately a more connected community!

For our friends with disabilities or situations that do not allow for bike use, there is a need for bus passes and bus tokens! A discount bus pass is $22 a month, with a one time ID fee of $2 and tokens are a $1.30 a piece. There are many of our friends who do not have the cash to purchase this each month. 

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